Creating Digital Health Innovations
We are an award-winning, woman-owned small business with 100+ years of combined experience creating interactive, evidence-based, technology-delivered interventions for change.

The dfusion Difference
dfusion is a recognized leader and trusted partner for developing products and services that are:


Grounded in Science

Behaviorally Transformative
We do this by bridging research-based strategies and design thinking with the continuous goal of advancing health and well-being—particularly in communities and populations most in need.
We innovate science-driven solutions to advance health and well-being.
Fantasy Sports Math League
A web-based game to support middle school math learning.
SkillFlix® for Autistic Young Adults
A training platform for autistic young people to develop relationship and independent living skills.
SkillFlix® for Parents of Youth on the Autism Spectrum
A training platform for parents of youth on the autism spectrum to discuss sexuality.
SkillFlix® for Sex Educators
A training platform to help educators facilitate sexuality education.
SkillFlix® for Pharmacies
A training platform that uses Microskills® videos to teach harm reduction skills.
A mobile game for STEM education through baseball-related games for 4th-6th graders.
Trans Women Connected (TWC)
An app designed with and for trans women to affirm their gender identity and positive health practices.
3T: Tune In, Turn On, Turn Up
An app to reduce HIV and STI transmission among young, black men who have sex with men.
An educational aid for proper condom use demonstration and skill practice.

Digital, evidence-based intervention development

Customized mobile game and app development

Customized video technology for skill building

Adaptation of evidence-based interventions

Formative research with underserved communities

Fund science-based behavior change. What change do you want to invest in?

Let’s build together! We find solutions and develop products that improve lives.
Be a partner to amplify our impact to advance health and well-being.

Patent holder and multi-award recipient of innovation funding from the NIH, CDC, NSF, and NIDILRR.

Award Winner
Digital Health Award Gold Medalist for SkillFlix for Parents.

Federal contractor and grant recipient partnering with universities, health, and prevention organizations to advance behavior change.
"dfusion has been an invaluable partner on several of our NIH-funded projects. They are our first-choice company for developing mHealth interventions and curricular innovations. The dfusion team has extensive expertise in mHealth development and enhancement, and they have been highly-efficient collaborators to us and our international partners."
Bo Wang, PhDProfessor, UMass Chan Medical 
"We love dfusion! I have worked with dfusion staff on several projects and we are impressed with their creativity, speed, professionalism and ability to deliver, even in the face of multiple challenges."
Cheryl Blair, PhDHealth Education Coordinator, Kent ISD, Michigan 

Our latest news and events.