SkillFlix® Increases Narcan Consults

The Need for Naloxone (Narcan) Education

Community pharmacies can play a critical role in preventing unintentional opioid overdoses in a variety of ways, including providing overdose prevention consults. Naloxone, commonly referred to as “Narcan,” is now available without a prescription—but also without education on its proper use. Pharmacist consults on when and how to use Naloxone are more important than ever.

SkillFlix® for Pharmacies and Harm Reduction

With funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Contract #75D30120C09651), dfusion created a suite of resources to train pharmacies in harm reduction strategies, including SkillFlix® for Pharmacies: a remote, video-based training technology. SkillFlix supports pharmacists in providing consultations for proper Naloxone use, preventing overdoses, selling non-prescription syringes, and sharing other safe injection resources with customers.

The Results

Seventy-six (76) pharmacists and pharmacy technicians from 12 community pharmacies across the U.S. took part in our 2022 demonstration study. The study explored how SkillFlix® for Pharmacies impacted pharmacy staff’s knowledge, comfort, and practices relating to harm reduction.

Based on our study, most pharmacies aren’t offering Naloxone consults. The SkillFlix® for Pharmacies training increased Naloxone consults provided by pharmacists from 0 consults per week to 20 per week.

The dfusion team is happy to support community pharmacies to provide critical education for effective Naloxone use in an effort to prevent tragic overdoses.

Learn More

Get on the contact list to learn more about SkillFlix® for Pharmacies and be notified of its launch this summer.

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